Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Grad night!

What a feeling. The end of the school year is pent with emotion for many. Last night I attended a graduation ceremony celebrating the accomplishments of so many students who I remember from my first year at this school. I think I had the best first period class in my first year at this amazing school. I don't think we have ever had such an accomplished gr.12 class. The scholarship list was phenomenal. Their contributions to their community were even more phenomenal. This year alone, $70,000 was raised for cancer research at this school. Causes such as Darfour, and Myanmar were also very close to their hearts. In fact, the school participated in a Letter writing campaign to end the atrocities in Darfour. En plus, ce groupe m'a inspiré d'organiser notre première soirée internationale à cet école. Quelle aventure!

Their tireless efforts to excel in school and give back to their community did not go unnoticed. As they raised their hats in hurrah, parents, teachers and the entire world celebrated with them.

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